Thank you so much to our guest speaker Sheree from the NZ Police. I hope you all found her information useful.

Nelson Grey Power continues to have the highest membership in the Federation. Currently standing at just on 6000. Our quarterly magazine is written and was sent out March, June, September and December. This remains a popular benefit to our members and is warmly welcomed.

Last year saw our monthly meetings with Nelson and Tasman Mayors ruled by Covid-19. Where possible these still went ahead either with Mayor or Deputy. There was also continued meetings with Nelson Marlborough District Health Board, CEO and key staff to raise concerns brought to us by you the members.

Our Board members represented you at

  • Accessibility for All Committee
  • Positive Aging Forum
  • Strongly advocated for maintaining Council owned pensioner housing. Sadly, this is one battle we lost.
  • Fought and were instrumental in getting a banking Hub in Stoke.
  • Following correspondence received, we have again submitted an application for Charity Status.
  • Our Vice President Kevin Gardener and Treasurer George Truman both represented us at the Federation AGM in Auckland.
  • Nelson Grey Power have been chosen as the host for this years Federation AGM. This will be held from July 13th to 15th.

Nelson Grey Power has a large amount of work undertaken by volunteers. We need you. Your ongoing support is gratefully appreciated.

I want to thank Kim Harding for her wonderful job in managing the office. Her assistance to me during changeover was gratefully accepted. I want to especially thank my Board. What a great team to work alongside. But once again we need more to help out. Just one meeting a month for a couple of hours. It’s not too late to step forward.

This year we see valued members of our board standing down. Linda O’Dea and Pauline Daly are stepping down from the board but are going to continue to report back to us on matters relating to portfolios. George Truman.  George has been our treasurer for so many years. He is hanging up his hat on that one but fortunately he is still staying on as our eyes and ears out and about. Especially watching closely our two councils.

Just an update re our Charities application. I received a call on the 30th March. Basically, I was informed we still have at least a 6 month wait for an answer with more questions to be sent out. So it looks like it is a watch this space sadly.

I want to say once again a thank you to our guest speaker, Sheree.

Your time given.

Sue Sara
Nelson Grey Power Association

10 April 2021

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