Warm welcome to you all again and lovely to see you all here.
Many thanks to Mayor Nick Smith for coming along to speak with us all today. With your busy schedule it is very much appreciated.
This last week has given us a taste of what’s to come winter wise. Those winter energy payments will be a blessing for many.
The last year has been another busy one for your local branch as well as National Federation. A huge thank you to all our volunteers who cover the front desk, assist with getting our magazine out and helping with the Out and About membership renewal and drive. So far this year we have had larger number than usual renewing their membership early which is a good sign for our zone.
Your committee have been working hard on your behalf this year and a big thank you to them. If you would like to join us, meeting once a month then we would welcome you to come and help spread the load. At these meetings we discuss issues affecting you, our members.
Our Vice President Kevin is also on the Federation Board so we are lucky to have him. He handles the portfolio of Electricity. Remember that to be a member of Greypower Energy you must be a financial member. If not, your charges could well revert to normal. And remember if looking to change your supplier the Pulse Energy you find for comparison is not Greypower one. That is held confidential so you will need to call them for assistance.
We have committee attending A4A ( Accessibility for All) Pamela and Maureen, Housing (Nelson Tasman Housing Vulnerability Forum)Pamela and Maureen, Streets For People Working Group, Pamela, Submissions on Medicine Act 1981. Peter assisting our Federation Health person Jo Miller, Pat and myself attending meetings with Nelson Bays Primary Health and Nelson Marlborough District Health, finally getting numbers of seniors being discharged in early hours to go home alone reduced. We are watching closely the reduced number of beds that are planned for our new hospital. This with a growing city is a concern. We also have quarterly meetings with both Tasman and Nelson Mayors. Tasman still booked in but yet to get back into Mayor Nicks diary. Hopefully very soon.
Wonderful to see the sensor light has been installed on Stoke lights, extending crossing time for pedestrians. Nelson Greypower campaigned for this with our previous Mayor and CEO for the last 4 years.
I want to especially thank our new Treasurer Don Ambrose. He has done an amazing amount of work in bringing the branch up to date with everything. I think poor Kim, our Office Admin has gained a few grey hairs with keeping up.
We will be discussing membership increase as on agenda shortly and I will leave Don to explain this for you all.
Remember membership is from 50 +. If you have a family member celebrating their birthday, what about signing them up. The savings they can make from 50 to 65 is well worth it.
If you have something you would like us to look into for you, please call, email or drop in at the Stoke office.
Many thanks for all your support over the last year.
Sue Sara
Nelson Grey Power Association
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