Nelson Grey Power Membership Renewal Application

How to renew your membership

  1. Contact the office via the contact details on the right and obtain a membership form.
  2. Download and print the Nelson Grey Power Member Renewal Application Form. (This form is in Adobe PDF format)

Alternatively please use the following online form to renew your membership with Nelson Grey Power.

Nelson Grey Power Membership Renewal Application Form

To renew your membership with Nelson Grey Power please complete the following:

If Your Existing Membership Is As A Couple And You Wish To Renew Your Membership As A Couple Please Complete Second Person Details Below.

Please Confirm Your Address And Contact Details

Payment Details

After submitting the form please make payment by internet banking or by visiting the office at 33 Putaitai Street, Stoke.

Cost of Membership

Individual - $25.00
Couple - $35.00

Paying By Internet Banking

If making payment via Internet banking please ensure that you follow the instructions below:

1. Your membership Number (enter in the 1st box)
2. Initials and Surname (enter in the 2nd box and include both initials if a double membership)
3. Single or Double membership (enter Single or Double in 3rd box)

Nelson Grey Power's Bank Account Details Are: Westpac 03-1709-0071804-001.

Payments also accepted at McGlashen Pharmacy, Oxford Street Richmond and Triton Hearing – Bridge St
A self‐addressed envelope with your postal payment would be appreciated to cut costs.

The Membership Year Is From 01 April To 31 March.