Grey Power Reports

Grey Power produce many different reports to keep members up to date on many different topics.

Here you will find a selection of reports that you may find interesting. The Advocacy Reports are available twice a year, AGM reports from both the Nelson Association and the Grey Power Federation are provided once a year and other reports can be seen when available.

National Federation 2016 AGM Report

Our two delegates were Gordon Currie and George Truman. Kevin Gardiner also attended as Zone Director, while Ruby Aberhart went as a NZ Life Member.

An election was needed to replace the National President Terry King, due to ill health.

Tom O’Connor of Timaru was successful, thus leaving the Vice President position vacant until it is filled by a board decision, while others continue their two year term.

Grey Power Federation Presidents Report

Tom O’Connor – National President – September 2017

With the general election not far away and the political scene in something of a washing machine style turmoil we will have to put all the hoopla and flag waving aside and examine exactly what each party would do in Government.

NGP Presidents Report – September 2017

Hello everyone

It is now nearly six months since I joined the Nelson Grey Power Committee at the AGM in April.

Your committee members have been working hard in their various portfolio roles to represent the needs and concerns of members to decision makers.

We have been trying to keep in touch with you, our Nelson Grey Power members, and this is quite a challenge given our membership is around seven thousand five hundred!

Nelson Grey Power AGM Report

Minutes of Nelson Grey Power Annual General Meeting

Held At The Stoke School Hall

On Saturday 8th April 2017

The meeting commenced at 2.00pm.

Present – 38 attendees.